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Portfolio of Projects


Sales Performance Analysis using MySQL and Power BI 




Power BI file ->





Implemented ETL processes to transfer sales data from MySQL to Power BI, managing datasets of 10 GB to 100 GB for efficient analytics. Developed a strong data model for in-depth sales analysis and utilized Power BI for dynamic visualizations, enabling effective exploration of sales trends by stakeholders.






  Model to Predict Salary of graduates from Universities in FT 100 


Tools - R studio and Excel



R codes -> 





I compiled the last decade's university rankings from the Financial Times Top 100 into an Excel sheet. Subsequently, I created a predictive model using linear regression to estimate the weighted salary of graduates from leading business schools worldwide. This approach aimed to enhance insights into the potential earning trajectories of graduates based on historical ranking data.









  HR Analytics dashboard in Power BI 




Power BI file  ->  





​I implemented ETL to move sales data from MySQL to Power BI, handling datasets from 10 GB to 100 GB. I created a robust data model for detailed sales analysis and used Power BI for clear and interactive visuals, making it easy for stakeholders to understand and explore sales trends.


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